Jay was born in the War Memorial Hospital in Crickhowell, Wales in 1957 unsurprisingly leading her to a life as a War Widow and Military Family Researcher.

Grammar School education in the 1960’s meant many like Jay went undiagnosed with ADHD, in short many of her qualifications were obtained during her forties when she had mastered how to study with a less than forgiving brain.

She has had an unusual career path including counselling the terminally ill for the NHS, dancer, personal trainer, champion bodybuilder, author, and public speaker. Described by many as an extraordinary woman, Jay herself feels she has had an extraordinary life journey marked by both triumph and tragedy.

In less-than-ideal circumstances Jay lost her Grampy, her husband and her father within four years which gave her a deep compassion for others and an experiential understanding of grief.

Not only has Jay experienced repeated loss and its ensuing grief, but she has also suffered multiple life traumas and medical emergencies. These have included a Stress Cardiomyopathy with cardiac arrest when she astonished doctors by making a full recovery.

Jay became an unwilling recipient of a Colostomy in 2013, she is now an Ambassador for Coloplast.

In 2023 Jay began a new chapter as a Volunteer Speaker for the Commonwealth War Graves Foundation. Her charity and volunteer work remain dear to her heart including volunteering with the Poppy Appeal each year.

Eventually diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the prognosis was guarded. At times these life experiences have tested her spiritual beliefs until she began to understand the deeper meaning of the journey. Jay found herself on a true ‘Dark Night of the Soul’. The journey eventually led her to acceptance which after all is the last stage of grief…

Jay’s versatility as a speaker has seen her talking to diverse audiences. Whether speaking to small intimate groups, at large conferences, or high-profile events such as St Paul’s Cathedral representing the families of the ‘Fallen’ in the presence of Royalty, she is accessible to any audience.

Jay is now committed to passing on knowledge and shining a light of hope on those who have endured trauma.

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